Always learning and deploying new tricks
We leverage a communal codebase that constantly updates, which makes life easier for content owners and editors who manage your site. Learn more about how the communal codebase works for you.
Get look, feel and function you want
Accordion styles, heroes, sliders, image galleries, eCommerce…Fido brings you everything under the sun. Select different styles within each component, and keep your site fresh as you tailor content and messaging to your clients.
“It's a win for us because Fido is a platform that allows us to build this site out quickly without a ton of heavy lifting. Fido was the thing that pushed me over the edge!”

Felix G
Fido delivers what site builders and content owners want:
- Easy admin
- Secure hosting on your own designated server
- Unlimited access to our robust, ever-expanding communal codebase
- Monthly updates so your site never falls behind
- Experienced IT and creative services made to order
Customizable Pricing Structures
Never have a dull website
Put Fido’s web components to work for you and your organization. We’ve built our pricing structure around dozens of options that can help you get up and running with a Fido site right away.
Great start for any business! Fido provides so many configurable options that you can built just about anything with it. Get all the tools you need today!
What's included
- 99.99% guaranteed uptime hosting, monthly software and hardware updates included
- Site initially configured by your own Fido rep. We will upload your logo, setup your color scheme, and more
- Get started easily utilizing our stunning Fido component and themed design
- Free SSL Certificate
- Free and Unlimited Email Support
- Build your website with a robust collection of Fido components
- New Fido components are automatically added
Marketing Plus
Do you need a little more 1 on 1 time? Get everything in the Marketing and more. This is a great option if you would like to have us walk you through the setup process.
What's included
- Everything included with Marketing
- 3 one hour screen share sessions in the first month with a Fido Team Member to help you get the most out of your investment
Designed for company's that need help getting their existing content migrated over to Fido. We can help migrate your content from an existing Drupal, WordPress, or any other CMS.
What's included
- Everything included with Marketing & Marketing+
- Content migration from your current website into your Fido website.
Contact us for special pricing
Not sure which package is right for you? Do you need a special price? We can do that! Just reach out to us and we'll help you determine what's best for your website needs.
What's included
- Everything included with Marketing & Marketing Plus
- Flexible startup and monthly pricing to fit your budget.
- Custom look and Feel all while keeping your site fresh with new Fido components that are customized to fit your unique branding.
- Customized Hosting Plan to help you get the most bite for your web dollars
- Monthly Training Sessions
Contact us and we'll help you decide
* Each package also carries a minimum Monthly cost Learn More